CosmosCapcom Go! The Apollo Story 3D

“That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” The Apollo Story, recommended for ages 10 and older


Full of excitement and awe, millions of people lingered in front of televisions and radios on July 16, 1969. They were waiting for the launch of the Saturn V rocket. The Apollo 11 mission was to bring the first astronauts to the moon and back to Earth - the mission succeeded.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary, the Planetarium Hamburg shows CAPCOM GO! THE APOLLO STORY of the creative heads of the National Space Center (NSC) in Great Britain on the 360° screen of the star theatre. The show deals with the years of the race of the US vs the former Soviet Union for the flight to the moon. Planetarium Hamburg shows an extended version with fascinating pictures of the impressive crater landscape of the moon. The audience witnesses the immense effort which was made to bring the first humans to the moon. In 1961, US President John F. Kennedy set the goal for the US "to bring a human to the moon and safely back to earth before the end of the decade." And actually - just before the end of the decade it came to the eagerly awaited flight to the moon.

An important factor for the safe journey is the communication between the ground station and the astronauts. Capcom is responsible for this at Mission Control, the control center in Houston. Still from the days of NASA's "Mercury" program, the term "capsule" refers to a spaceship. So Capcom stands for the person of the "capsule communicator". Minutes before the launch of a spaceship, the query of all stations in the control center begins with the key question: Do we have a "go"? Only if all areas have given their "go", nothing stands in the way of the rocket's ignition. The last query goes to Capcom: When the communication is complete and the astronauts are all right, "Capcom Go!" marks the beginning of an exciting journey.

Recommended for ages 10 and older. 55 minutes
Available in English, please check in at the reception desk for wireless audio service. Live parts in German, not translated.
Shown regularly.
13.50 € / 9 €

CAPCOM GO! achieved the award "Best 3D" in the category Full Featured Show at the Immersive Film Festival 2019 in Portugal.

The next dates


22.02. Sat 12:00 pm Available
28.02. Fri 4:15 pm Available
05.03. Wed 5:30 pm Available
14.03. Fri 4:15 pm Available
18.03. Tue 11:00 am Available
26.03. Wed 12:45 pm Available
06.04. Sun 1:15 pm Available
Further times...